Assuming history books will be rewritten and redacted to erase all that was factual only to be replaced by whatever narrative supports their narrative best.
Contrasting China and America stances on social medias, in China disinformation is used to create "harmony", while in America disinformation is used to create disharmony.
We've created the tools of our own demise. Not that we need the Russians. Republicans, X, Fox News are doing a great job with their lies obfuscation or simply not reporting news that don't fit their agenda.
Assuming history books will be rewritten and redacted to erase all that was factual only to be replaced by whatever narrative supports their narrative best.
Contrasting China and America stances on social medias, in China disinformation is used to create "harmony", while in America disinformation is used to create disharmony.
Especially Russian disinformation in America (and elsewhere).
We've created the tools of our own demise. Not that we need the Russians. Republicans, X, Fox News are doing a great job with their lies obfuscation or simply not reporting news that don't fit their agenda.